Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Came across this article from David Cloud and thought about the magnificance of God in His creation. What concerns me is that many intellectuals will continue vainess and be lost forever from God who loves them. Intellect can be something that hinders. I thank God that we have a Gospel that is simple and clear free from all intellect. Act 16:31  And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. This was the call to the Phillipian Gaoler who gladly believed, not through intellect but through faith.
 The God that created the Monarch Butterfly knew what He was about. Do you?

(Friday Church News Notes, August 26, 2011, www.wayoflife.org
fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) -

Within this tiny egg, only about an eighth of an inch long, is an entire world of genetic information. It contains the instructions for the construction of the caterpillar with the intelligence it needs to operate all of its organs (eyes, antennae, legs, etc.), to maneuver within its environment, to digest leaves, to avoid predators, to know when and how to molt, to pupate, etc. It contains the instructions for the incredibly complex process of the final molting and formation of the pupa, including the amazing cremaster mechanism. It contains the instructions for the death and dissolution of the caterpillar into a biological soup and the reformation of that soup into a beautiful butterfly. It contains the instructions not only to construct the butterfly in all of its
mind-boggling complexity (e.g., its proboscis, its compound eyes, its intricately shingled wings, its sensory organs, its reproductive organs) but also the instructions to create the butterfly’s brain and the intelligence needed to thrive within its environment, to fly, to land, to avoid predators, to find the right plants and flowers, to drink and digest nectar, to keep its cold-blooded metabolism in balance, to reproduce. It contains the instructions for a bewildering multi-thousand mile migration to a place it has never been and in the absence of any earthly guide. It would seem, in fact, that the genetic code within that tiny monarch butterfly egg contains a map of a large part of the earth. And it contains the information for constructing hundreds of copies of itself. If the butterfly evolved, then evolution is miraculous and has the attributes of Almighty God!


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