Monday, March 23, 2020

God is our Refuge in times of Trouble

Hi All. 

Hope you are all well. 
In today's daily reading by J Sidlow Baxter there is profit in what he declares for us today in a dire situation. I won't write it all but consider these few points. 
He considers Psalm 61:2 From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee when my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the Rock that is Higher that I.  David was fleeing the danger of Absalom his son and was well away from the usual security of Jordan. Baxter points out about this prayer of David that: 
1. Prayer is never invalidated by geographical position (where you are)  
2. Prayer is never in validated by extremity of circumstance (how bad your situation is)  
3. Prayer needs firm resolve ('I Wills' of David).  

David is overwhelmed as we are today with saddened hearts that we cannot worship as we should, together in His Name. But that of all times is the time to pray. Lead me to the Rock - most certainly that is Jehovah (The Great 'I AM' self existent and never changing) - is David's cry in the trouble he is in and that is or should be our cry. Lessons to learn are these: 
1. God in Christ is our immovable Rock of Refuge - our hiding place  
2. this Rock is Higher than we are and high above all storms.  
3. we need to be led there - that is the Holy Spirits power.  

David was the Lord's Anointed and as such you would think he should have no trouble. David's troubles of course where the result of his own ill doing and and so may ours often be. As Christians we are not exempt from harm in the physical but most certainly we are assured that nothing will change our redemption status in Eternity. 
God is Faithful in that our eternal future is secure in Jesus Christ and most certainly not in anything we try to do here on earth to conjure up that assurance. 

May our prayer be 'Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I' resting in the everlasting arms of our loving and merciful God  
Hope this helps someone  

God Bless 

 Peter Skillen (Pastor)