Friday, July 18, 2014

Damp squib

Some interesting news from the '' Friday news:

BAD NEWS FOR BIG BANG (Friday Church News Notes, July 18, 2014, www.wayoflife.orgfbns@wayoflife.org866-295-4143) - The following is excerpted from “Bad News,” Christian News Network, June 24, 2014: “Nearly two years after the highly-publicized discovery of the elusive ‘God Particle,’ scientists have determined that the current Big Bang model cannot account for the existence of the universe. ... However, in a major setback to the secular Big Bang theory, scientists with King’s College in London announced this month that Higgs boson physics cannot account for the universe’s existence. ... ‘What [the scientists] found was bad news for, well, everything,’LiveScience reports. ‘The newborn universe should have experienced an intense jittering in the energy field, known as quantum fluctuation. Those jitters, in turn, could have disrupted the Higgs field, in essence rolling the entire system into a much lower energy state that would make the collapse of the universe inevitable.’ ... Dr. Danny Faulkner, an astronomer with Answers in Genesis, says the Big Bang theory has repeatedly conflicted with observational evidence. ... Likewise, Drs. Jake Hebert and Jason Lisle with the Institute for Creation Research propose that a belief in God--not the Big Bang theory--is ultimately foundational for understanding the universe’s existence. ... ‘The fact that such physics is possible or even meaningful would only make sense in a created universe that is controlled by the mind of God anyway. The study of how God upholds the universe today is the very essence of science.’”